Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Snow Snow go away dont come back any other day.

So you would think growing up in England and never seeing the bloody snow ever that i would enjoy the what some describe as Snowful Bliss.. I tell you what though i hate the bloody snow make it go away. Its cold and wet and crunchy and there is just no purpose to it.

I know i know i know i complain to much but i really don't like snow it makes me sad.

Bring on the spring time when its not to cold not to hot PERFECT.

The only good thing about snow is that it makes the view from my office at work more interesting. Its not the best picture in the world but you can basically see what i get to look at all day long. MOUNTAINS... YAY....

I think i need to move somewhere that isnt so bloody cold :(

Anyone looking for a roomate who lives somewhere where your hair wont freeze instantly if its wet and you walk outside?

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Goodbye Ye Old Devil Stick's

No people your eyes are not deceiving you... I have in fact given up the Cancer Sticks.

I have not smoked in coming up to 11 day's and honestly i am very confident i can kick this habit.

I figured out like a week before i quit smoking that i have in fact been smoking for around 11 years. (Sorry mum i know your reading this don't judge) That is half of my life near enough. And when i think long and hard about everything i have done in my life so far i don't think there is a instance i can think off when i have not in facted smoked. My life has pretty much revolved around this horrible habit.

I decided to give up smoking cause for one i know its bad for me and i don't want to die to early in my life, i live in Utah which is at a very high altitude which makes it alot worse on my poor lung's and also i am not sure how many of you know this but my Grandma was diagnosed with Lung cancer and had to have an operation to remove part of her lung. I spoke to her on the phone for the first time in months the other day and she didn't sound like my Grandma she sounded like a teenager as they apparently nipped her vocal cord when they cut her open. That alone was enough to make anyone want to quit.

So far i think i have been doing very well, seeing as all my friends smoke and so does Ian its not easy but i am determined to do it this time.

So Goodbye Ye Old Devil Stick's and Hello Fresh Clean Air..!!!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

The Wonderful World of Math.

This may seem dumb to you all but have you ever noticed that nothing ever seem to add up if you are doing 3 forms of math at one time?
I know it sounds dumb but its a universal truth for example:
Today at work Jade and myself were asked to do some simple math regarding sales total's over the past few month's. So we are sitting here adding and subtracting and thinking "Oh this will be easy as pie" HELL NO IT AINT..!!!
3 different ways of doing math, we used the Excel formula's, a calculator both on the computer and a hand held one and also on paper too. Now i believed at first to be a user error on one of our parts but i now firmly believe that the world of math is distorted... 2+2=4 only on Monday , Tuesdays and Saturday's the rest of the week 2+2=5
I am currently sick of looking at numbers and am giving them up for today numbers suck and so does math, math is evil invention developed by some crazy fella with nothing but spare time...!!!
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Father Christmas by pass my house this year

So i have decided i am cancelling Christmas for myself this year.
Yes i am the Grinch.And is it just me or is this not a very scary picture.. I mean come on now this was supposed to be a Kids Christmas movie, if i was still a kid and i saw this id crap my pants and not want to go to bloody sleep.

Anyways......... I remember a time when Christmas was fun for me, but honestly i have to think a LONG time back. Being in America for the last what 4 years has not helped either, no family to spend it with. Although this year i am supposed to spend it with my best friend and her 5 kids. I am just not a christmasey person obviously. PLUS having Thanksgiving just before Christmas is possibly the worst idea in the world cause in away it already feels like i have had a Christmas, you got the Turkey, the feelings like you want to sleep half the day, the family cheer and of course the one family member intent on making a fool of himself, this year that was my best friend Ryan's dad lol.

There will also be no tree not out of choice of course but cause my cat's will be intent on destroying the darn thing.


Fresh Shiney New Blog

So after reading the old Blog i decided a new one is in order.

As i have started a new life i feel a fresh start is best =)

I guess the purpose of this blog is to update my friend's and family back home of what trouble i am getting into over here... hehe...

So YAY for new blog, i promise to write on this one more than i have on the other one.