This may seem dumb to you all but have you ever noticed that nothing ever seem to add up if you are doing 3 forms of math at one time?
I know it sounds dumb but its a universal truth for example:
Today at work Jade and myself were asked to do some simple math regarding sales total's over the past few month's. So we are sitting here adding and subtracting and thinking "Oh this will be easy as pie" HELL NO IT AINT..!!!
3 different ways of doing math, we used the Excel formula's, a calculator both on the computer and a hand held one and also on paper too. Now i believed at first to be a user error on one of our parts but i now firmly believe that the world of math is distorted... 2+2=4 only on Monday , Tuesdays and Saturday's the rest of the week 2+2=5
I am currently sick of looking at numbers and am giving them up for today numbers suck and so does math, math is evil invention developed by some crazy fella with nothing but spare time...!!!
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